Completing the year 2016 with this ~ Thank you.
My soul says thank you to my body
says thank you to my mind
says thank you to my soul
says thank you to my mind
says thank you to you ...
I don't know who is thanking whom,
it seems like an interwoven net of internal Thank Yous
including so many beings and souls "out there", who
helped me realize a lot of things through
touching my body, my soul, my mind.
I'm trying to put something into words, where
words will only point towards what I mean and feel.
So right now, completing this year in silence,
this is what arises:
Picture: Jo Giersch
Thank you for reminding me of who I am.
Thank you for every closed Gestalt and every open Gestalt ... teaching me something,
leaving me with some insight or teaching me nothing
and letting me swim in the sweet realm of nothingness and not-knowingness.
Thank you for reminding me, that I am the cosmos.
Thank you for remembering your wings.
Thank you for touch as such and being touched by life and by other beings.
Thank you for enjoying life, for playing, for playfulness and insights.
Thank you for my travels, especially my trip to California.
Thank you for soaking in the sacred hot springs of Esalen.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you for meeting so many teachers,
for learning, growing and coming at peace
within the storms of live.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for taking care of others.
Thank you for moving on.
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you for letting me swim in - and dive into the ocean.
Thank you for being brave.
Thank you for being loving and kind.
Thank you for being true to yourself (a little bit more and a little bit more).
Thank you for letting me dive deeper into embodied teachings
(what a gift to me!). Thank you for asking questions.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for opening yourself to yourself.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for playing.
Thank you for lightness and thank you for all sorts of struggles,
shades of humanly drama.
And thank you for SO MUCH MORE.
To you out there:
Thank you for reading this.
Thank you for adding different colours and spices and sounds to my life.
Thank you for having touched and for touching my life.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.
Let's dance our way through this life. Let's play, let's take part.
Let's support each other in reminding us, what we are made of.