Yes, I really mean it.
That this moment is the portal, in this moment there is infinity,
this moment is infinity and infinitely open.
Infinity is a given and where can it be ~ except here and now.
This moment is infinitely open.
It is as deep as it only can be, it is not sayable how infinite this is, not graspable with the mind.
I know it to be true or let me say it is known by who I am. It's known by something that knows beyond the experiences
that I have through my usually used sense perceptions.
And inside of this infinte space there are things happening like:
"Oh, can I now really just sit here in the sun in nature and eat something,
don't I have to do something, accomplish something?"
Inside of this infinite space and infused with it, thoughts are happening. Susanne is happening.
You are happening. Forms being birthed and forms dying.
(and so as part of this play of forms, being in a body, I just took out my notebook and I am now writing down,
what I'm writing down now, food has to wait).
So there are these assumptions, these shoulds and thoughts happening and
there are even the shoulds that the shoulds shouldn't be there, happening ...
and even this is just happening and nothing wrong with it.
Even getting caught in it ... nothing wrong with it. It just is.
And there is this portal, this space, this infinity within all of that and around all of that.
Isn't this amazing? Isn't this an interesting life, that we chose to dance as?
Slowly, slowly or even suddenly, we are waking up.
We are realizing that we are more than our thoughts and minds and ideas.
Yes, maybe thousands of people told us that before, that we are more than this.
And we get a glimpse, a profound one ... and BOOM back into the theatre and play of
expectations, assumptions, questions, seemingly thrown out of unity.
But nothing can really fall out of unity, how would this be possible?
What part of our Self has to be conscious of being conscious, if consciousness is a given anyways.
It just is.
Doesn't even matter, if you are reading this or not.
We are participating in the awakening process of our human family
just by being here. So do you. So do I. Just by being there. Being you.
No one around. And still complete connection.
And about being the cosmos ... which I love writing down on these cards.
Yes I also mean it and know it, when I say: you are the cosmos, I am the cosmos.
What else can we be than the cosmos? Can we really imagine, being separate from creation itself, from the cosmos?
How would that work? How can we be separate? Where are we then? Who would we be then?
And the fun thing is that creating the conditions to change, to evolve, to expand, to realize, to remember,
to forget can be such a beautiful and weird journey in this human experience. A dance. How do you experience this dance?
(I know, on consciousness' perspective more an illusion of a journey,
but let's stay 3D and with the idea of a timeline for this now).
We can use all sorts of things, for example related to our senses and perceptions and our bodies and take small little steps or leaps to create the conditions for remembering who we are. That we are Free. That we are Love. Always. That we are this. That we are Life.
Be it through touch, inquiry, being angry and noticing it without reacting on it, or noticing, THAT we are reacting and acting on it ... through nothing, through that sweet sound touching our ears or the pain that shakes our body ... through dancing, washing the dishes as Love, ecountering oneself and the other selfs.
And even if we are not noticing ... consciousness is happening anyways. Love is happening anyways.
We are this. How could it be different? How could we be separate from consciousness and love?
Consciousness becoming conscious of itself.
Full participation in this play, enjoying our life themes and our callings, creating from that
space of beingness, sharing the love that we are in our creations and encounters.
How does that look like?
And yes, I'm dancing the dance, feeling feelings within my body, acting from the not so free parts of my self ... from my human, social, family conditioning. And: there is Infinity and Love. Always.
So much Love from here. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you.
And some more Love in this audio, that I want to share with you.