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The Weaving of Voice, Body & Land ~ Retreat auf Andros

The Weaving of Voice, Body & Land

Voice, Alexander Technique & Vision Quest. Workshop Intensive on Andros (English)

This is a Workshop together with my dear friend, artist and Roy Hart Center teacher (voice) Christiane Hommelsheim.

We are meeting on this special - in and of itself transformational island of Andros, Greece for a 5 day workshop to go deep into the experiential exploration of Nature, Voice, Perception & Body.


After the very profound experience of our first workshop in this valley, we immedeately made new dates for 2025. It’s been such a joy to work with the land and how our journey deepened the feeling of interconnectedness and how this in turn informs the voice and the beingness on this Earth. We are very happy to invite a bigger but still intimate group of people (8) this time. Get in touch, if you want to be part of this journey. We are very happy to support you with everything regarding travel and accommodation.


In this 5 day body, mind and voice workshop we will provide a framework of exercises, questions and perceptual practices to create space and time for you to connect with subtler layers of your existence. To allow the less obvious to emerge and become available for your creativity.

Days will consist of vocal and physical explorations (indoors) on the basis of Roy Hart Center Voice work and Alexander Technique, as well as specific practices outdoors in the beautiful natural environment of Andros, based on Susanne’s experience as a Vision quest guide. Andros, and especially the valley of Palaiopolis with its archeological site, springs and the Aegean sea holds a vitality that offers a promising setting to discover our relationship to the natural space and its wisdom and generosity. 

We will work as a group work as well as individually, in order to be able to pay attention to each persons particular journey through the week.

Prior musical or artistic experience is not necessary.

600€ early bird till April 1
660€ regular price
700€ support another

Food, accommodation and travel extra.
Please contact us for accommodation recommendations. There are different options depending on your wishes and needs.

To apply, or if you have any questions, please contact me HERE or Christiane HERE.

With love,
Susanne & Christiane