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Solo in nature. Remembering connection.


~ description in english down below ~

Dieser Tag wird aufgrund von internationalen Teilnehmer/innen vor allem auf englisch stattfinden. Die 4 Stunden Solozeit in der Natur finden natürlich in Deiner eigenen (stillen) Sprache statt. Falls Du gerne dabei sein möchtest und Bedenken hast, ob es für Dich passt mit der fremden Sprache, ruf mich gerne an. Dann können wir besprechen, ob es für Dich funktionieren kann. 0177 6711177. (Dieser Termin ist ausgebucht - wenn Du auf dem Laufenden bleiben möchtest: melde Dich hier)

Solo in nature. A day to reconnect.
Conversing with Earth & Nature. An invitation to explore places and ways of Belonging. To yourself, to Earth, to the Earth Community.

Dear Soul,
I invite you to read through these questions and just take notice: is there one or are there a few, that touch a string within you. They might sound big. And I guess that’s what we are here for. Especially during these times of change. To enter the greater conversation. To reconnect with the deepest places within. To embody more and more fully our own true way of being and belonging. Which ripples forth through the web of life. Of course one day is way too little to address all of these questions - and it can be a start or a deepening of your journey. Just tune in and listen to your response inside your heart & body …

Where do I belong?
What belongs to me - truly?
How do I belong to Earth and Nature?
What is my unique way of being part of the big web?
What’s my place within myself and the world?
What unique gift do I bring to the world - by being myself?
And what is that even … really being myself?

Who am I, when I’m in the knowing that I am just right, as I am (with no need to prove anything to anyone, not even myself)?
Who am I beyond my ideas and concepts?

What is my place of true belonging (to myself and to the world)?
To which larger lived conversation do I belong?
Which larger conversation is being lived through me and can only be lived through me?

What are the questions that whisper or burn within my own heart?

Am I in a place where i know … that I’m about to shed another skin … and do I want to reconnect to one very ancient and true place of support and belonging to be able to do that = Nature (in its many forms)?

Do I want to be more in sync with the cycles of life - within myself and as part of the big evolution?
How can I recognize and listen to that, which sings me into existence?
What wants to be experienced through me?
Which vision wants to be lived through me?
What is the deepest truth within my Heart and Soul?

Who am I?
And who am I beyond the question „who am I“?

Probably there are as many questions as there are people. And still at one point in life - which might be where you are at the moment - they seem all to circle around the questions of “who am I - and why am I (really) here”? The longing to remember ones „original place“. This place of belonging. To our own Selves and to the larger community. To reconnect with that, which has always been here. Within. The uniqueness of your place and the interconnectedness with the whole web of life, that we are all part of and where we are one.

At certain points in our lives these kinds of questions are calling us more urgently. As if they were pointing to - or coming from - a door or a threshold that really wants to be crossed, that needs to be crossed. A skin that needs to be shed. Something is calling … something is calling … to grow, to expand to … “do the only thing you could do - determined to save the only life that you could save.” as Mary Oliver writes in her poem “The Journey”.

The ancient practice and ceremony of a Vision Quest is a protected container, where you will cross this threshold into this space where you can really dance, wrestle, pray, live these questions. Your deepest questions. Where you can enter your most intimate conversation with the Mystery, with Life. With your place of belonging. Undistractedly. In the lineage I trained in (Stalking Wolf) the Vision Quest Ceremony’s heart is a 4 day and 4 night Solo wilderness fast. Staying in a 3 meter circle.

And what we are doing here, on this Day to reconnect, will be like a little sister or brother of a Vision Quest. We won’t try to turn this day into something which it isn’t. We will honor the fact, that we’ve got: one day. And during this one day, there will be a time to be - just like on a Vision Quest - solo in nature. You can dive as deeply as you wish. You will make it your own conversation and experience.

We’ll have time to come together, to share and to get prepared on several levels beforehand. Then you’ll cross a threshold and will go alone. You’ll be called back after 3 hours in solitude - and there will be time for journaling and sharing in the circle. I’ll be there to protect the space and will support you within the process before and after your solo time.

We’ll keep it simple. That’s part of the power of it.

If you are interested in joining us, please send me an email to get in touch. I’ll send you questions and more information for you to prepare and let you know what to bring and how to get there. If you have any questions please get in touch too.

Participation is by donation.

This event is fully booked. If you want to know about upcoming events like this - get in touch here.

In service,


The Summer Day

Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean- the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand, who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down- who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes. Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face. Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away. I don't know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

~ Mary Oliver
